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4 Votes

Sand King - The Trouble

June 18, 2012 by Lord Dragexius
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Lord Dragexius | June 20, 2012 3:40am
Vexxed wrote:

Almost all of these heroes can aoe stun..... and your choice of heroes that work best with sand kings are hilarious! What about Ancient Apparition, pretty much guaranteeing a cold feet to snap, and Enigma + SK Black hole and Epi combo?!

Can't generally fault the guide too much where other areas are concerned as everyone plays heroes their own way depending on the situation.

Well it is quite true that most hero has aoe stun but I was kinda looking at the aspect of heroes like Naix, Huskar, PA ans so forth, so it depends. Of course AA would be a best combo hero.
As I've mention, there is lots of combo. So depends on individual

Btw tks for the input~!
HamSandwich (34) | June 18, 2012 10:18am
Hood does more damage then scepter.
Vexxed (3) | June 18, 2012 5:54am
So let's say you are going against heroes that can't cast aoe stun like lion, slayer, tiny, warlock, slardar and many more, then this method might work.

Almost all of these heroes can aoe stun..... and your choice of heroes that work best with sand kings are hilarious! What about Ancient Apparition, pretty much guaranteeing a cold feet to snap, and Enigma + SK Black hole and Epi combo?!

Can't generally fault the guide too much where other areas are concerned as everyone plays heroes their own way depending on the situation.
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