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6 Votes

Dryads are Imba

February 2, 2014 by gosubay
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gosubay | February 3, 2014 1:27pm
oh yes, i personally dont use the harpy but I see it being used in competitions sometimes
Xyrus (104) | February 3, 2014 12:37pm
Mirror wrote:

I personally find sheep stick better than ags. It gives you damage as well as a disable, not to mention the judge mana regen.

I just find it odd you put ags first if gotten at all.

Still great guide +1

I suppose it comes down to how early you can get it and how much you really need the extra CC. If you don't need extra CC and it's sill only Mid-Game, the Damage boost from Aghanim's Scepter is probably going to let you dish out the Damage for a little while longer. Otherwise, Sheepstickl all the way <}3
dynasty987 (6) | February 3, 2014 10:18am
Good guide, one thing you missed is the harpy creep with chain lightning. That **** is so ****ing broken if you're lucky enough to get one at the start. While it slows your jungle down you can pretty much ensure your mid hero wins mid just from the sheer damage the harpy can dish out from absurd ranges.
gosubay | February 3, 2014 12:02am
I think AGS is a standard core item. It allows you to deal way more damage and also fight in team-fights more safely. It's also cheaper by around ~1500 gold so it'll probably come online 3 minutes faster.
Mirror (22) | February 2, 2014 10:25am
I personally find sheep stick better than ags. It gives you damage as well as a disable, not to mention the judge mana regen.

I just find it odd you put ags first if gotten at all.

Still great guide +1
gosubay | February 2, 2014 7:44am
yea i guess you are right, forgot to add shivas in. honestly i've nv build daedalus b4, just some theory crafting but you're probably right,
Xyrus (104) | February 2, 2014 3:17am
Nice Guide, you clearly explain not only your Item and Skill choices, but how to play the Hero in-depth as well. +1
gosubay wrote:

Enchantress suffers from some mana problems in the early to mid game, since Impetus is quite a mana-intensive spell. This is why the Urn (0 mana) is always preferred to another item like Mekansm (150 mana).

This is true, but a Mekansm is needed on every Team, and if there are no Cores willing to build it, can you really rely on a Hard Support to Farm it? Imo, you should add it to Situational.

Another good Item to add would be Shiva's Guard, against Heroes that don't build Attack Speed Items, e.g. Bounty Hunter, Outworld Devourer, Weaver, etc. 180 Attack Speed Reduction makes you truly..."Untouchable" B{) Not to mention, the Slow from the Active stacks with Enchant as well.

I wouldn't have Daedalus as even a Situational Item though, it mainly benefits Heroes with high Attack Speed who can always guarantee a Crit or 2 in a quick skirmish, something Enchantress cannot do. Also, your main source of Damage comes from Impetus, so the Crits won't do very much even if you do get some.
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