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March 07, 2013
+Rep Report
So, because a lot of us aren't pro, just average, I'll write about things out of the viewpoint of an average player. You know who you are, those guys that can play, but can't seem to get that exact thing right, or do that specific pro manoeuvre. We are the underdogs, the possibilities, the background pros. I welcome you to my blog.

So, the recent update to Dota 2 brought us the first of the Single Player tutorial-esque quests you can do to teach you how to play the surprisingly complicated game of Dota. I braved the short quest, and got through it fairly quickly, and I have to say, I am impressed. They've done a pretty good job at starting off on the basics and teaching the prospective Dota pro a few things to help him along. As Valve progresses, this will obviously have more and more quests to complete, eventually maybe even including challenges for the veteran player that finds the early quests pointless to their skill level.

You play as Davion, the Dragon Knight, who's goal is to …
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March 04, 2013
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March 02, 2013

Hello, guys :D

Views: 1713 KaliZa
+Rep Report
Hello, guys, my name is KaliZa and i am Brazilian. My English is not so good, but i will do my best.
Meanwhile, i will post some guides for you all and in the future i will create a channel on youtube to post my videos and etc.
Here is somethings about me:
-Favorite Hero: Nessaj, The Chaos Knight
-Favorite Item: Phase Boots
-Favorite Dota Team: LDG GAMING
That's it, guys. Seeya in DotA
-Just Bring it!

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February 28, 2013
+Rep Report
hey can you help me. when I download on steam, the only result from my three-day download is only a spectator client. a movie not a game. Also the original game has a price that I can't afford because I don't have any dollars. Can you help me on this ?

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February 27, 2013
+Rep Report
I've just clocked up over 1100 hours now on Dota (!), with a grand total of 525 wins - 505 losses. Obviously the matchmaking system is doing it's job :)

It got me thinking about why we still play Dota...what drives you to play?

Do you want to get better?

Is it the idea there's always new heroes and things to learn?

Is it the endless combinations of hero matchups?

Is it the team work?

Or just purely for the fun of playing?

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February 22, 2013
+Rep Report
Actually, I don't know how to use the Tauren Chieftain, his item build from early to luxury/late and also his skill build. I know that all of you might used him even once seriously, so would you mind help me ?

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February 20, 2013
+Rep Report
Hey Guys, can you link me websites where I can download Dota 2 ? Some **** happens when I am searching on nonsense websites so you guys might help me.

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February 17, 2013
+Rep Report
Sup bros, just wanted to make this post to find out which hero do YOU think has the most annoying *** voice you have ever heard. the kind of voice that makes you have giant fits of nerdrage.

Mine would definetly would be Sniper, he has this godawful annoying voice that just grates on my soul.

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February 16, 2013
+Rep Report
I don't know why, but the last few days I've had teams who insist on picking melee hero after melee hero (Tuskar included obviously :)). There's nothing wrong with melee heroes, but you can't expect to win lanes with dual melee unless you have a very particular plan or combination in mind.

Certain melee combinations can work really well if they have great harass or, more likely, killing power. Versus lanes with ranged heroes you're going to get harassed and denied a lot, so either you can have to quickly notch up a level advantage through kills, or you're going to be ground down and forced away from farming.

Losing a lane like this is really bad for the team - not only are you and your partner underfarmed, but the enemy has probably been able to fill their boots. This sets you up badly for the whole game, and it can be a long way back.

So please, the next time you're looking at picking a melee hero, just make sure there's somewhere good for you to lane:

- You can jungle if approp…
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February 13, 2013

Bane and Lina

Views: 2239 Sando
+Rep Report
I played this lane once as Lina almost by accident...but boy was it effective. It's not one I've really seen before or since, but it would seem to have definite potential as an off-lane spoiler.

The lynchpin of this strategy is Nightmare. It has a long disable time, even at low levels, and even inflicts a little damage (20 per second). It also makes it very easy for Light Strike Array to hit. Both heroes have a reasonable ranged attack too.

The big problem with Nightmare is that you can't auto-attack someone under it's influence without it transfering to you...HOWEVER, you can still target the person with spells...

Assuming both players max their nukes, even without their right clicks (safe to assume you would get a few in as the enemy tried to retreat):

- At level 2 their combo has 360 damage (270 MR)

- At level 4 it has 580 damage (435 MR)

- At level 6 it has 1660 potentially (1245 MR)

3 levels in Dragon Slave = 230
2 in Light Strike Array = 150
3 in Brain Sap = 230

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