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Blubbles's Blog
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March 10, 2016
+Rep Report
Hello Dotafire,

Believe it or not Ive been gone for about a month playing League. Yes, I will accept the hate. All my friends play it, so I thoughtd I try it just so I could play with friends. Now im coming back to my home territory. League is disgustingly easy in comparison. Takes about 10 nukes to get someone to half health.


  • No in-game voice chat. Cannot get anything done.
  • Holy s*** its is so unbelieveably pay to play. Unfourtunately for me I got hooked on the 'buy a champ' rush and eneded up spending about 100 bucks on league. Disgusting. You need to play 63 games in order to save enough in-game currency for a new champ. So say 6300 hours later you wont evenb have enough to buy the entire roster of champs. What?
  • The runes and masteries are just dumb. Theres things that give poeple an advantage outaide of the actual gameplay? Makes no sense. Starting off even every match is refreshing.
  • The whole 'bushes that hide you' is just kinda unessisary. I mean what do

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August 30, 2015
+Rep Report
As of today I am on a 5 game winning streak (with the exception of one game where the four of the enemies abandoned and the last guy left would not leave, so I left and my team lost apparently).

So what did you do differently this time around?

Today I learned one thing: mindset.

I started up Dota, and said, "okay I'm trying to get better and raise my MMR, I'm gonna have to put everything I got into winning" and guess what I did? I WON. Holy **** these were some of the best games Ive played. especially this Tidehunter game, it was a great game.

I don't know what I was doing before this, but I felt different today. An epiphany of sorts. My plays seemed better, I died less, I farmed more efficiently, I actually judged the situation decently, I picked heroes we needed not heroes I wanted to play.

Now by no means am I saying "woah holy **** I'm a pro now" but I think this is a turning point of sorts, maybe now I can finally get to my 3-4k goal.

Id highly recom…
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January 31, 2015

Carry with a Chance of Support

Views: 1794 Blubbles
+Rep Report
Hello Dotafire, this is Blubbles, writing for all you people who have nothing better to do than look at blogs about video games ( Like Me ) !

I just started this blog, and if you really want to know I WILL be talking about random **** that happens in Dota 2, that most likely you will not care about! But I'm doing it anyway!

This includes but is not limited to :
  • Venting
  • Update Opinions
  • Which heroes I think are ****s
  • Which heroes I think are great
  • Strategy

To start of I will be talking about my journey to nontotalnoobyness.

It was a exciting moment, my first game was. I was giddy (yes, I used giddy) to play a game against real people. I thought I would be pretty good, I did the tutorial, I knew the basics, I would do well. I was very, very, utterly, life crushing, hellraisingly wrong.

It was textbook. I think I went 1 - 20 or something and my only kill was from a killsteal. To make matters worse, I was Witch Doctor and did not know what the **** a Courier was, so on top of noob r…
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