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4 Votes

Teleporting Ganking Drop Bear of Terror: A Guide to Ursa.

September 17, 2015 by Orion5
Comments: 7    |    Views: 35984    |   

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Lurdekan | September 22, 2016 6:25am
As you are a terrifying high-damage bear, teams can be initially tempted to focus you down

This certainly made me smile. Very nice guide, btw.
michimatsch (26) | March 4, 2016 6:18am
Hey this guide looks really good and while I am in no way a professional player I would like to suggest some items:
  1. Magic Wand: Ursa loves to gank and fight and could therefore get a lot of charges and it would also give him a lot of sustain in the early-mid game.
  2. Urn of Shadows: I guess this item is more situational but a lot of fighting == a lot of charges and these charges give you and your team sustain and also give good damage.
  3. Scythe of Vyse: When you are not the main carry and/or have serious trouble with a specific enemy/need to catch him. I find it to be really helpful
Feel in no way obliged to add these items these are some mere suggestions for your guide that you can happily disagree with if you do not like them.
Anzromalpheus | March 4, 2016 3:49am
A good guide for ursa, excellent! ty :)
Orion5 (4) | December 13, 2015 3:06pm
Brutal Jones wrote:

Amazing guide, thanks!!

Thanks for your message!
Brutal Jones | November 30, 2015 9:27am
Amazing guide, thanks!!
Orion5 (4) | September 16, 2015 7:48am
Thanks for your comment

I absolutely recommend Blink Dagger being rushed before upgrading boots, so glad others feel that way. I actually rush Skull Basher and then even Black King Bar and/or Desolator before upgrading boots (to Boots of Travel) as well. So I stick with Boots of Speed for a long time! Rushing Vladmir's Offering I feel is bad, primarily because the % damage bonus for team is much more effective middle to late game rather than early.

I stock up heavy on regeneration when I jungle to minimise courier usage. Mid heroes usually complain about courier being used, they often want Bottle refills and other items. I find I need about that much regen to get to Morbid Mask (usually my first courier usage). I'd agree the Quelling Blade would probably help you jungle faster at the expense of using the courier more, although probably not that much more. I'll look through some of my timings to see when I get Morbid Mask while jungling. It'd be interesting to see which is faster, it might change what I do

I did some testing testing in jungle with Ursa (bot games) and different starting items

Time to Morbid Mask
1. Starting items: Tango, Stout Shield, Quelling Blade, Iron Branch
Got initial rune and second bounty rune at 2 mins
Further purchase Healing Salve, Tango, two courier uses
Time to Morbid Mask 3 mins, 34 seconds

2. Starting items: Tango, Tango, Stout Shield, Healing Salve, Iron Branch
Got initial rune, invisible rune (unable to gank) at 2 mins
Time to Morbid Mask 3 mins, 47 seconds

So I agree with Unscathed, you do farm faster with Quelling Blade as jungle Ursa but you will need the courier again for regeneration consumables (I used it twice). The times are pretty close. Still need two Tangos and Healing Salve to comfortably geting Morbid Mask

It would be interesting to see time to Blink Dagger, I am sure Quelling Blade would be actually far superior. I'll do some testing when I get time
Unscathed (47) | September 16, 2015 6:09am
Finally someone who don't delay Blink Dagger for Phase Boots or vladimir's offering!

However, there are some things I disagree. Pretty minor things, but I took minor quite seriously with Ursa. To name one I disagree with the jungling starting items. You do not need two Tangoes, instead I prefer to start with Tango, Quelling Blade, and Stout Shield and buy a Healing Salve earning some gold in the jungle. Quelling Blade bonus damage is actually effective at clearing the camps faster.
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