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12 Votes

Support Rock Tree ¡¬¬! Rootsª

June 17, 2012 by Jamon
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rachelle | September 10, 2012 6:08am
Needs more mana based items and something to help his strength. Tranquil boots do nothing as he already has an ability for health regeneration. Instead of wasting levels on statistics, items are probably better and should max all abilities before statistics.
AngryTurtle (7) | July 17, 2012 8:51am
I was too harsh, though you really should avoid making guides until you have some experience. The actual construction of the guide itself was good and I look forward to guides from you in the future when you get more experience!
Jamon (2) | June 24, 2012 9:14am
AngryTurtle wrote:

your build is headdress, tranq boots, vanguard, bloodstone, heart... If you want to support you don't just walk around with ***loads of health doing nothing. Considering one of his biggest roles is landing his ult in teamfights I would at BARE MINIMUM give honorable mentions to blink dagger. The headdress you have as his starting item for apparently no reason is almost always turned into a mek (for that whole support thing you were talking about). This guide was clearly written by a rooftrellen player without much experience playing the character in a competitive environment.

I just have to say that I am agree with you. I have just two weeks playing dota and I wanted to test the guide builder, but I did my best. Anyway, maybe in the future, after being skilled in competitive games I could try it again.

Thank you.
AngryTurtle (7) | June 22, 2012 6:03am
your build is headdress, tranq boots, vanguard, bloodstone, heart... If you want to support you don't just walk around with ***loads of health doing nothing. Considering one of his biggest roles is landing his ult in teamfights I would at BARE MINIMUM give honorable mentions to blink dagger. The headdress you have as his starting item for apparently no reason is almost always turned into a mek (for that whole support thing you were talking about). This guide was clearly written by a rooftrellen player without much experience playing the character in a competitive environment.
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