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4 Votes

Into Disorder:A Guide to Spectre

November 12, 2013 by enderarms
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enderarms (1) | August 19, 2013 4:54pm
True, I guess that a butterfly is nice for every agility carry.
OrigSnipeR | August 15, 2013 8:42am
Well, the 35% evasion is nice, so that + everything else buttefly does for you (attack speed & damage) it is really worth it in late game.
Mirror (22) | August 14, 2013 2:12pm
I actually agree with talisman/butterfly items. Late game specter is a tank. Butterfly increases her effective health points (Ehp)by a ton. For the sake of an example lets say specter has 2000 health. Once you calculate in dispersion her Ehp is 2440. The you add the 35% miss chance from butterfly her Ehp is 3294. Then you have to take into account armor and magic resistance. The 60 damage, 60 attack speed and 4 armor thaat buterfly also gives is also nice.
enderarms (1) | August 14, 2013 1:38pm
Mirror wrote:

I believe Specter is a powerful hero because of one item: Battle Fury. Before you tell me that does not work well with her second spell think about this. She can now be more useful in early fights, her pushing power skyrockets and her ability to farm grows. She also gets some nice base damage increase, has access to mana and health regeneration and 1000 gold cheeper than a radiance. (Not that you get radiance just proving a point)

Battle Fury is a nice item for any melee carry, but even though the cleave and regen is always nice, with the gold you spent you can always just buy something else like a diffusal or something else.
enderarms (1) | August 14, 2013 1:36pm
OrigSnipeR wrote:

With the dispersion skill, would you not want a Talisman of Evasion? Or maybe just a butterfly?

No, getting a Talisman/Butterfly would not be a good choice since one of Spectre's well known abilities is to reflect the damage done to her. Adding evasion could help her in some cases, but getting a butterfly is not as effective as getting something else, like a Manta Style, Radiance, Daedalus, etc.
OrigSnipeR | August 14, 2013 8:35am
With the dispersion skill, would you not want a Talisman of Evasion? Or maybe just a butterfly?
Teysha | August 13, 2013 3:50pm
Like you mentioned, spectre is squishy early. One point on dispersion and a one PMS helps you to survive early.
Mirror (22) | August 12, 2013 11:59am
Nice guide, I always love a good specter. +1

I would recommend getting one level of dispersion at three. I agree not to max it since it scales bad with skill points. 0-1 you get 10% Ehp, 1-2 you get 4% Ehp. I find that more useful than increasing the mana cost of your only early escape spell.

I believe Specter is a powerful hero because of one item: Battle Fury. Before you tell me that does not work well with her second spell think about this. She can now be more useful in early fights, her pushing power skyrockets and her ability to farm grows. She also gets some nice base damage increase, has access to mana and health regeneration and 1000 gold cheeper than a radiance. (Not that you get radiance just proving a point)

As for boots I find treads are better than phase or tranquil. If you have early levels of desolate you should be able to kill the opponent before they can run far. Treads also give you more health and more importantly attack speed. Now you can farm even faster with Battle fury.

These are personal preferences that I have tested and found to work incredibly well. You don't have to change your guide, I just wanted to give you a new perspective to this great hero.

Have fun carting noobs to victory with one of the most fun hard Cary's! :)
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