January 31, 2012

League of Legends to Dota 2! Trying to Change it up! Part 2!

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Hey guys! Another post of my experience with Dota 2! So recently I was playing some games of League and Dota. I found out what I really enjoy more about Dota compared to LoL.

The map and the roles. When I was playing both games, I really discovered that the map in Dota allows alot of variations that LoL does not allow. It allows the player to experience more then one gank path (Which really pisses me off in LoL how ONE ward will pretty much stop a gank, since they only have one path to go in order to gank, at least for top and bottom lane). As for Dota on the otherhand, due to the fact that the trees can be cut down, and that one is able to gank from several different places, the laning phase just seems much more interesting. Like for example, how often do you see in LoL a gank that continues after the people run to their tower? You almost never see a gank complete if the kill does not happen before the tower, but in Dota you can see endless possibilities, due to the towers having less of an effect compared to LoL and the ways in one can gank in Dota.

The roles in Dota and how they work also helped me discover a wide arrange of styles one may play the game. In LoL its the same old, lane till one tower falls, then either push, or all gather mid and push. But in Dota the roles of the heros really allow one to, play differently. Example is if you have a Pudge mid, you are definitely going to see the ganks from him, instead for the Pudge just constantly staying mid and pushing. If there is a support or a jungler in Dota, you will see the creep pulling, which is another way of changing up the game. Just the fact that in Dota you will see not the same kind of game every game like in LoL, really makes me enjoy playing it. For example, maybe this game we will have a push team and we will gather and push a lane, or maybe we will buy smokes and gank a whole lot, or maybe we will go for an early roshan since we have Ursa. These kinds of things really make me happy that I started playing Dota.

But after thinking about this topic, I thought one thing. What if I tried using these tactics in LoL? Like I know there are extents to how one can do this but what if we see more often the mid and the top go counter jungle the jungler instead of just constantly letting him farm? Or how about the support go into the enemy jungle and just try to mess the jungler up. Like I still remember a very long time ago in LoL we would see counter jungle eves and twitchs, but how come we never see anything like that anymore? Would it just not work? Or would it work so well just cause people would not expect it? It is much like the Shaco counter jungle, before people were like "Sigh, Shaco is so bad, he can't farm and his jungling is not the best" But now, people LOVE counter jungling Shaco and how effective it can be.

So if anyone has any ideas/questions to tell/ask me just write in the comment section.

And damn I NEVER write this much for fun...... :P
I'm getting really into this :)