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Just a few questions regarding heroes

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Forum » New Player Help » Just a few questions regarding heroes 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by bitpik » November 7, 2012 7:23am | Report
Im a LoL player (play bruiser/toplane) and i have a few basic questions regarding Dota 2.

Firstly i would like to know how deep the Strength/Agility/Intelligence groups are. How many roles are covered in the strength group etc.. If strength consists of Assassins, Tanks, Bruisers etc then let me know.

Secondly i would like to know what the groups stand for. I guess its something like this?

Strength= Tanky characters
Agility= AD carry
Intelligence= Support/Mage

3rd i would like to know if there are any Heroes that are similar to LoL champions. Is there any hero that is similar to the LoL champion Irelia?

Thank you in advance.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » November 7, 2012 7:30am | Report
Welcome to DotA and DOTAFire!

I played League of Legends for two years, there's no hero similar to Irelia.

However, Stength heroes tend to have higher HP and HP regen since 1 point of strength means 19 HP and 0.03 HP per second, also they gain +1 damage for each 1 strength they get.
Agility heroes tend to have higher armor and attack speed since 1 point of agility means 1 attack speed and 0.14 armor, agility heroes also get +1 damage for each 1 agility they get.
Intelligence heroes tend to have higher mana and deal a lot of damage by spells, 1 point of intelligence means 13 mana and 0.04 mana per second, giving the intelligence heroes +1 damage for each point of intelligence as well.

Every hero can fulfill any role, Strength heroes can carry, Agility heroes can carry, Intelligence heroes can carry, everyone can carry. But of course, not everyone can carry well enough as other heroes. For example, Lina which is an intelligence hero with a great burst damage, can't carry as good as Anti-Mage, which is a great agility carry with high mobility. That's because Lina is based on her skills, if she's on cooldown or she's silenced, she's useless. Instead, Anti-Mage deals a lot of damage per hit and is very mobile during to his Blink. Also very good against magic since his Spell Shield.

This applies to the other roles too, everything depends on the team and the player.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by bitpik » November 7, 2012 7:44am | Report
Does this mean Intelligence heroes dont get +1 damage from agaility or strength?

And agility heroes dont get +1 damage from intelligence or strength?

Do agility heroes get health and health regeneration from strength?
2k ELO league player Recently joined Dota 2

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » November 7, 2012 7:58am | Report
Yup, that's true. :) You got it.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Glayde » November 8, 2012 12:18am | Report
Arrgh, hades always gets these before me. :(

You got it pretty right, Strength heroes tend to be more tanky (durable), agility heroes tend to be AD Carries (carries), and intelligence heroes tend to be supports and AP carries.

Like hades said, there is no hero like Irelia, but here are some comparisons (not 100% alike, but have similar skills):

Cho'Gath = Kunkka
Dr. Mundo = Alchemist
Blitzcrank = Pudge (Pudge is more of a bursty-ganker, not a support)
Shaco = Riki
Darius = Axe

There are many more similar heroes and champions, and check out this thread for great comparisons between the two games. Just play around with a few, get the feel of game. Hope you learned something, and hope you like DotA. :D

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » November 8, 2012 7:53am | Report
A lot of the comparisons don't make sense though. For instance, the only thing that Dr. Mundo and Alch have in similar is the ultimate, and that is only the regeneration part. And Shaco doesn't seem to be anything like Riki, except for the fact that they're invisible. And Pudge is equally as similar to Warwick as he is Blitz because of his ulti, and he is similar to Mundo.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » November 8, 2012 8:26am | Report
You simply cannot make a 1:1 comparison, many champion spells are a combination of spells from dota heroes to make a new hero. Riot pretty much picks a spell from DotA, and make design choices around it to make a hero. Look at Fiora's ult, Garen's spin-to-win or Wukong's ult; all these spells are slightly altered Blade Furys and Omnislash.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nyne » November 8, 2012 2:21pm | Report
The stats of heroes doesn't dictate their role, but just note that nearly every single agility hero is a carry, the exceptions being Gyrocopter and Venomancer.
Also, most supports are Intelligence. That's really as close to what you're saying as it gets.

There are plenty of LoL to Dota attack parallels. Reaper's Scythe is like Damacian Justice, for instance. As for full heroes it's difficult.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by StevenLK » November 8, 2012 3:03pm | Report
I would like to say that Gyrocopter is a pretty good carry. I don't recommend that you classify all heroes based on their main stat by the way since all heroes can be quite flexible(with the exception of certain heroes who are absolutely 100% meant to carry like Phantom Assassin, FV or Antimage).


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nyne » November 8, 2012 6:46pm | Report
Gyro drops off late game, so he's not really much of a carry. I always though of him as more of the opposite, you get a strong early game for a weaker late game. If you ganked a lot then I guess the levels you'd have over the enemies would carry.

But you're right, heroes are pretty flexible generally.


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