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11 Votes

Son of Perdition

October 5, 2013 by Numeta
Comments: 13    |    Views: 21896    |   

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CourierBringer | February 25, 2013 6:59pm
I don't know if you're still updating this guide but I have a lot of respect for it. I personally disagree with the two boots early thing, but I understand your reason for doing it.

If you do update, one of the patches a few months ago changed the Harpy Stormcrafter's chain lightning to 50 mana cost. It's now a 150 damage, 50 mana cost, 4 second cooldown nuke that also does some collateral damage. Doom's early game nuke potential was already strong, with the new super cheap chain lightning I honestly believe he's a better early nuker then zeus.
Numeta (27) | November 6, 2012 12:22pm
Updated with the choice of two armor routes. Blademail + Veil or Shivas.
Numeta (27) | October 19, 2012 11:04pm
Orchid is purely situational as a caster Doom build you rarely auto attack, enough for + damage or attack speed to matter anyway. Alpha wolf is for carry/battle Doom builds.
SuperNova (16) | October 19, 2012 10:29pm
i am currently:mainly because:so lets just:
back to this guide: definetly one of your better guides numeta, its addresses dooms mana weakness and amplify s his single target annihilation to 2 targets with that refresher. to improve i think orchid could be moved to core as it amplify all damage which would help your team and it means that you could soul burn a guy, auto attack plus lvl death then pop disco hood and doom him if the guys i still alive.I could also recommend and mainly for newer people to doom that a devoured alpha wolf makes jungling easier.
Numeta (27) | October 19, 2012 5:10pm
SuperNova wrote:

no swearing on this site troll. i dont care if he uses cheese combos. the best dota player stil plays only wisp, the only reason you even bothered to post hate here is because your so jelly. and if you look at the other top players they play a mixture of heroes not just one cheese combo. for example
and these guys focus on one hero:

if you want to have a flame war PM me.

By posting this you only make yourself more wrong. You post accounts that have 90% matches played with the top 15 heroes.

mdn90 | October 19, 2012 11:16am
Dendi has a winrate under 54%, does that mean that hes worse than that wisp player?
Numeta (27) | October 19, 2012 10:05am
"The best dota player" you can't be serious
LiLPr0 (9) | October 19, 2012 6:33am
With a ****ing tiny stack. Point invalid easiest pair ever he could quit dota and make a smurf and get 100% win rate all day
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