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21 Votes

Lina Inverse, A Comprehensive Guide

January 2, 2015 by Aethis
Comments: 4    |    Views: 376114    |   

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apaz (17) | January 5, 2015 7:22pm
Nice guide, I too have a lina guide that goes more in depth on the DPS build, and a Burst build, and a mixed build. My guide is Here. I, personally don't like support lina, because of the reasons I mention in my guide, but It's just as viable as the semicarry builds I thought up. +1.

Otherwise, don't Build S+Y, like the pictures. Lina's prowess comes with her damage, If you're not blowing the S#$& out of people or DPSing like crazy, or both, you're not doing your job as a semicarry.
eeon (6) | September 7, 2014 10:23pm
HI! good guide. I would like to point out that Drum of Endurance is more than a situational item on Lina, I almost always build it, +9 stats are really good and the movement speed stacks with Fiery Soul and EULs, you will be flying on the map. Also you should add blink. Really like the veil pick up, very underestimated item.
Bunkansee (32) | September 6, 2014 9:48am
Nice guide. I play Lina quite frequently and she is one of my favourite heroes. The only thing I struggle with is landing the stun, it's a lot harder that I thought it would be.

Good guide, it's very detailed and really explains all of the things Lina herself can do, but also what to do as a support in general.

lethal_bear | June 11, 2014 1:13am
Decent guide. I liked the fact that you included a mini-warding guide for beginners, though it only covers a few ward locations.

I suggest that you add blink to your items section under situational. Blink is far superior to force staff in terms of initation, but at the cost of less versatility, as it doesn't provide stats/regen and can't be used on allies.
Also, mjollnir is nice on a dps Lina, and probably better than satanic. If lina were to get focused, even with all that hp, she'd probably die before she got the oppotunity to leech back her life. I'd also recommend shadowblade on a dps Lina, as she needs an escape/positioning tool that still contributes dps. MKB is also situational, and could be substitued for a second daedelus or something else.
Lastly, I saw you listed ghost scepter under situational, but you didn't list ethereal blade. If lina's primary role is to be a nuker and she has the gold, an ethereal blade after scepter is probably your best bet.
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