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7.00 Guide Contest Winners

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Forum » News » 7.00 Guide Contest Winners 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » January 30, 2017 4:03pm | Report

After a month of guide crafting and judging, the contest has finally concluded and we have our worthy winners. They've invested tremendous amounts of time and effort into making these guides happen, make sure to show your appreciation and even tell us what you think about their guides if you haven't seen them yet!

Role 1 Winners (Hard Carry)

It's difficult to play a hero, but it's even tougher to handle a hero and his bear at once. Coryn02's guide got you covered with all the information you need in order to master the Lone Druid, one of the hardest carries in the game. Since the Lone Druid involves micro skills, it might be difficult at first, but have no fear, the author made sure that the guide is complete and in depth while still is easy to understand. From skill builds to play style, and even hero matchups, this guide prepares you for every scenario that you can face in the game while playing Lone Druid.

Runner Up

She never misses a shot, but you still need a guide to a handle on her. FuriousFish's guide has all the information a skilled Windranger must know in order to dominate her enemies. Nicely formatted and well written, you can learn all kinds of useful insight from this guide. Such as which situations Windranger excels in and which she does not, how to properly level her skills and use her abilities, what items are best suited for various situations and match-ups, and even which runes benefit Windranger the most, awesome right?

Role 2 Winners (Mid)

If you enjoy initiating fights and being able to escape while disrupting your enemies, then this Puck guide written by TheSofa is everything you could've ever ask for! Starting with the basics and flaws of the hero, the guide has all kinds of useful information that you'll need to keep in mind while playing Puck. Such as general insight, ranging from basic combos to mid matchups, as well as more advanced knowledge that only the players who are willing to learn and practice can benefit from.

Runner Up

The Templar Assassin is renowned for guarding secrets. Well, it's time for all the secrets to be revealed! Eango's guide provides various ways in which you can build and play the Templar Assassin, no matter if you prefer playing middle or safe lane, this guide's got explanations and guidelines to suit any play style. Even though the Templar Assassin sweeps all enemy heroes in the early and mid game, the late game can be sometimes tricky and difficult. Yes, you've guessed it, there's a special section for this too, make sure to check it out!

Role 3 Winners (Offlane)

He's durable, he's tough, he brings utility to the team, that's right, we're talking about Underlord. This hero is capable of game-changing plays if played correctly. The best way to master this hero and to make the right decisions when using his skills is to check out Safecyn's guide. Here is where you can learn every bit of useful information you'll need to know and apply while playing Underlord; strengths, weaknesses, skill build, item progression, and even more! Which you'll have to check the guide for yourself.

Runner Up

It can be really difficult to handle the off-lane all by yourself, but playing a hero like Clockwerk makes it fun and very dangerous for your enemies. Even if you're against multiple heroes in the lane, by playing this hero while following the guidelines Hindergast lays out in his guide, you'll be able to survive and even become a real threat for the enemy team. You must be careful even before picking this hero, there's a special section that tells you when and when not to pick Clockwerk, based on different situations and needs of your team. If you're not too sure what to do during the laning stage or how to be effective don't worry, you've got detailed explanations about each stage of the game, how to react to multiple scenarios and also how to gank. It's important to use your skills efficiently, they can make a great difference!

Role 4 Winners (Support)

What's better than collecting your bounty after a successful kill? You can only know by playing Bounty Hunter, the hero that's capable of filling the pockets of his team with gold by just roaming the map and securing kills. Even though it can be difficult to properly play this hero, you don't have to learn everything by yourself, FireWalkerAWE's guide teaches you how a real Bounty Hunter should be played. Strengths, weaknesses, skill build and talent breakdown, this guide has a section for everything you need to know.

Runner Up

Sometimes all it takes is a Black Hole to win a game. However, Mystikal's guide doesn't just focus only on Enigma's devastating ultimate, it also shows a different approach on how to play this hero. Providing information about the hero itself as well as the strategy to follow, this guide shows you a unique playstyle that dictates the pace of the match. As the author likes to say, this strategy can be game breaking if executed correctly, so make sure to give it a good read to not miss on any new meta-insight!

Role 5 Winners (Hard Support)

No, it's not a mistake, it's FireWalkerAWE once again with a stellar guide, this time for Ogre Magi, the durable support that gets your enemies triggered. Since Ogre Magi is a durable hero that provides the team with great utility, he's the choice of many players no matter the skill level. However, no matter how skilled you are, there's still more you can learn, from each player. In FireWalkerAWE's case, there's a whole guide that you can check out that's bound to teach you something. Ability breakdown, talent choices, friends, foes and food, this guide has all the essentials to be called a complete guide for Ogre Magi.

Runner Up

Ah, Morphling, the hard carry that everyone fears, but not today. Even though it might be hard to comprehend, Morphling has all the assets that a support needs. He's durable, he's able to easily escape and he's got a great stun that his enemies will always try to avoid. If you're still wondering why you should play Morphling as a support, there's a special section of the hyatt's guide where you can find an answer, it's also followed by much more information that covers everything from skills and strategy, to play style, and counters.
How to Claim Your Prizes (It's Pretty Easy, But We Need Some Info From You)
  1. Look for our email in your inbox and reply to it with your Steam Profile Link

  2. Expect to receive a friend request from our community manager Hades4u, make sure to accept his friend request

  3. Once you’ve been added, you’ll receive a direct trade invitation or a trade offer, depending if you’re online on Steam or not at the time of the prizing

  4. Enjoy your goodies!

Thanks to everyone who participated to the guide contest and also to the raffle, you've all been great and your work will surely be appreciated by all of our community members! Let us know what you think about the guides above and tell us what you'd like for the next contest!
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » January 30, 2017 5:03pm | Report
Congrats everyone!

Especially Firewalker, who won two (!!) categories!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Coryn02 » January 31, 2017 11:51am | Report
I'd like to congratulate all the winners! You all did good work in writing these guides for the new update. Shout-outs go to Safecyn and Sofa, whom I have met personally; you're both awesome.

So, I guess I won the raffle? And I won a category in the contest? I didn't think anyone would like a guide I wrote that much for a hero nobody plays.

Then again, Lone Druid's being picked in competitive now... Guess I should write that ranged section now. reluctantly


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Masked_Man98 » January 31, 2017 12:00pm | Report
congratulations winner especially to you FireWalker, you deserved it.
and also a thank you to Coryn02 for his amazing guide that changed my mind about lone druid for ever.
Good job everyone
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Eango » January 31, 2017 4:06pm | Report
Surprised my guide made the list but very happy nonetheless! I got other guides in the works that will follow a similar format and I can't wait till those are published. Appreciate the feedback from the dota fire community and congrats to the guides that won :)


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