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As I was playing tiker I noticed. most of the time you tp with your Boots of Travel and try to gank the lane I sometimes feel bad for the people you just passed through so I realized what if tinker had a Mekansm he could be a roaming semi-support/semi-carry/pusher which would
be awesome since he has global presence.
I do not know if Rearm refreshes Mekansm but it will still be cool if it doesnt.
Please dont get the wrong idea, im asking so dont go all its stupid etc.
Just post if its viable.
Is it a waste of 2300 gold?
"When we get attacked we fight back for we have faith in our side"
I rarely insult people(like real insult) for I am defenseless against them.
You cant use mek again on an ally untill the extra armor debuff om them is gone. So there isnt much synergy with rearm.
Mek also doesnt have anything to do with supporting. Being a support means you dont get farm in lane, not healing or anything. And if you play tinker as a support your core will be really late. Since you need sould ring, bottle, travels and blink just to function normally.
If you look at that you see tinker needs all of his item slots BADLY, at the end of the game you also start swapping out items. So there isnt really a place for a mek.
And it doesnt synergise that well anyway.
Yeah, there are a few items that don't work with Rearm - Mekansm will actually become active again, but as Timm said, it can't "re-affect" anyone who's already been healed in the last 25 (?) seconds or so. Hence why you should never have 2 meks on the same team.
Tbh Tinker really benefits so much from farm, his entire game is built and balanced around getting active items - without Boots of Travel he can't get the mana he needs, or the mobility to get where he's needed. It's one of the most core items in the game. He has no CC, he has to carry.
You cant use mek again on an ally untill the extra armor debuff om them is gone. So there isnt much synergy with rearm.
Mek also doesnt have anything to do with supporting. Being a support means you dont get farm in lane, not healing or anything. And if you play tinker as a support your core will be really late. Since you need sould ring, bottle, travels and blink just to function normally.
If you look at that you see tinker needs all of his item slots BADLY, at the end of the game you also start swapping out items. So there isnt really a place for a mek.
And it doesnt synergise that well anyway.
Pretty much this ^
The best Mekansm carriers are Tanky Heroes who can live long enough to pop it when it's needed most. As a Tinker you should be teleporting round the Map Split-Pushing most of the time, so it's not going to help your Team much if a fight breaks out before you can get there.
Also, it's as Tim said, Tinker is way to greedy to be a Support. In order to be a Support, a Hero needs to be able to protect the Cores early on with only minimal Farm and Exp. Tinker sucks without Levels and/or Gold.
You can get Mek on Tinker. It's not horrible, it's just a bit awkward. I can't say it's bad, although as said before *it has no specific synergy with Rearm*.
Mek on Tinker sounds a bit like Mek on Furion : it's good for early push strats. However Mek on Furion is better because Furion doesn't need BoTs.
Tinker is essentially only viable as a solo laner though. Tinker is not a support for the same reason as Dark Seer is not a support : he's a greedy space-taking utility hero who can't do anything to help your carries farm.
If you want to build full utility on Tinker, rushing Scythe of Vyse essentially outshines any other build you can think of. Nothing beats permasheep :)
I just thought of it but why not Rearm with euls? It sounds really fun, SEA pubgamers recently started using mjolnir too. And about mek, its just weird :/
How about Arcane Boots I mean like with a soul ring and arcane boots its Really hard to run out of mana really.
Euls is just hilarious and heavens halberd will really **** those carries up :3
"When we get attacked we fight back for we have faith in our side"
I rarely insult people(like real insult) for I am defenseless against them.
Tinker is a "utility carry", it's all about getting effective active items into his inventory and their synergy with Rearm. More mana is a big boost too - as he eats the stuff.
Tinker is a "utility carry", it's all about getting effective active items into his inventory and their synergy with Rearm. More mana is a big boost too - as he eats the stuff.
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