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15 | 17 | 18 |
1. | R.I.P |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | Pros/Cons |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | Gameplay: Pre-Game |
8. | Gameplay: Laning Stage |
9. | Gameplay: Early Game |
10. | Gameplay: Midgame |
11. | Arc Warden's Friends |
12. | Arc Warden's Enemies |
13. | Hall of Fame: Friends and Foes |
14. | Conclusion |
Hi, I'm Dimonychan and within the next fifty thousand characters I'm going to share my Arc Warden knowledge and experience with you and help you understand the gameplay aspects of this hero, as well as decision making and item choices.
This guide assumes you already know basic stuff like lasthitting, denying, pulling, stacking, pushing et cetera, and just want to understand the hero better. In other words, this is not a basic, but rather advanced guide and is not really suitable for new Dota players.
I have played about 50 matches total with this hero with a 70% winrate. My match record for a reference. My MMR is in lower-mid 4ks at the moment.
Another thing to note is that this guide only highlights safelane Arc Warden, though he can be played in other positions, of course.
Arc Warden is an agility hero with a set of very interesting abilities. They are similar in a sense that they are very strong, but only in certain situations. A stun is a stun and is always nice to have, right? A long-range slowing nuke that only works on isolated targets... well, maybe not so much. The only exception is his ultimate. Creating, even for a limited amount of time, a perfect image of your hero with refreshed cooldowns and no fear of death is the strongest thing you can do in Dota. (Well,
zapping around with no cooldown is also quite impressive.)
Tempest Double is the selling point of this hero, as you probably already know. Imagine facing two six-slotted carries with 100% evasion lategame. Or two
Necronomicons III 20 minutes in. Or a magic immune, Rapier wielding sieging machine that melts your towers in seconds and that can't be killed unless you have an MKB. Chances are, you don't even have to imagine - maybe you've already faced some smart*** who demolished your base while your team was standing there and couldn't do nothing but watch. Maybe that was even me.
Of course, in reality everything isn't that simple, otherwise this hero wouldn't have had an abysmal 42% winrate. Yes, this hero really requires practice and knowledge of what are you doing. I mean, there are still guys who go Power Treads into
Mask of Madness on this guy and think this is a good build.
But don't worry, this guide is here to teach you how to do better than that. Let's get started.
Arc Warden deals with some degree of micro control and for heroes like him, binding your keys right is a big part of your success. It's about personal preference mostly, but you still want to set it up to play
Arc Warden effectively. I'll use my key bindings as an example.
Main hero - "1". Most players use "F1" for this, but this is not convenient for me. It is important that you select your hero as, well, hero, not as a control group, because otherwise it will get messed up and your main control group will include you AND your Double. I've played like for quite a while before I figured out how to get rid of it, and it is really annoying. Don't select your hero via a control group, use "Select Hero" key!
Double - "2". Pretty obvious, This one(as well as all the subsequent keys) is a control group. Bind it so you can reach it quickly at any moment, you want to control your Double just as well as you control your main hero.
Both - "3". Sometimes it is better to just select both main hero and Double and Tab between them. Most of the time you want to control them separately, though.
Necronimicon units - "4". Pretty straightforward, however, there is one thing I really don't like - you can't bind Necro units from you main hero and your Double to different keys. Often you will have them pushing/farming separate places of the map and selecting them(most often to prevent them from being fed to the enemy) will select both groups and you will have to fix the mess manually. There's no need to control Warrior and Archer separately, just tab between them when you want to cast a manaburn arrow(don't forget to use it, btw, on ranged creeps or on fleeing enemies, this will get you kills you otherwise would have missed).
It is also advised to get Flux and
Magnetic Field on quickcast - it will help you land them faster and landing your abilities in time makes a difference.
Bond the keys as you please, but make sure you're comfortable with them. And while we're at it - Tempest Double does not stop your queued actions so if you order Zet to move somewhere and cast ulti in-between, he will keep moving. This can cause you to displace your main hero into a very unpleasant and dangerous position, so watch out. Practice with bots a few times before you go into a real match.
Since Arc of Warden is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades(quite the master of some too!), you can pick him in almost any situation. However, if we're talking about safelane Arc Warden, there are two really important things to consider:
1)You're going to get Hand of Midas in every game and you want it as early as possible. For
Arc Warden, everything under 10 minutes is salvageable, but if you feel like you won't get it in that time(dangerous offlane, bad supports, inner conflicts aka gameruin), you should seriously consider picking some other hero(unless the enemy lineup is too easy for
Arc Warden to crush).
2)To really get the rape train going, you need from 15 to 20 minutes on average - that's the time frame in which you should usually get your Necronomicon III. If things look like by that time your base will already be burning in flames and teammates crying and asking to report the carry, you'd better pick something else. Even the strongest
Arc Warden player will collapse under the pressure of jungle and lane ganks, sounds of your towers falling and relentless flaming.
Watch out for counterpush-heavy teams too, they can seriously hinder your 1 vs 5 abilities hat you may need in some games.
Other lineups are mostly fine and can be dealt with relatively simply with the right build and execution. Note that Arc Warden is sually strong enough to only need the help of one support, trilanes are overkill most of time.
The one listed in the very beginning of the guide is pretty universal and is good for most situations. If you absolutely need more regen(though you generally won't be taking a lot of damage), get another set of Tangoes, but that's about it.
Wraith Band will give you much needed attack damage and some other nice stats on top, while
Faerie Fire is yet another damage booster and a life saver in some situations. Get
Slippers of Agility in the side shop as soon as you get enough money.
Make no mistake - your one and only goal is getting Hand of Midas as quickly as possible. Everything else is really secondary. If your tower falls, supports feed 0/100, mid says that your mother is a blyad and your house is on fire, but you get a 6 min
Hand of Midas, you're fine. Remember that and don't set false goals like getting enemy T1 tower or killing the enemy offlaner N times for yourself.
First thing you should do when you come into a lane finishing a Wraith Band. You may have the money to do that from the very start if you get a
Bounty Rune or drew first blood. Then you hit creeps, trying to stay away from danger.
Your lane behaviour almost entirely depends on who your partner is(if there are any) and who do you face as your lane opponent(s). Against most solo offlaners(especially melee) you can just alter between getting lasthits and harassing them. Thanks to your attack range and animation you will take almost no damage from creep aggro and can eat away at your opponent's health despite your poor attack damage. However, this will push the lane and may make you miss some lasthits, so be careful with that. Soon your offlaner won't be able to withstand such a humiliation and will back off... that's when you canst Flux and, with your support's help, kill them. Easy.
Arc Warden genrally has a high kill potential when paired with a good support so you can really punish your enemy for overextending. Usually most offlaners just end up either feeding a lot of kills or being starved on exp and gold since they can't even roam the lane because of
Flux. Both are great for you.
Things get more tricky when your enemy has a partner. If they are not completely dumb, they will save each other from Flux and may contest your farm or even force you away from the creepwave(though your range + threat of
Flux allows you to win most trades) - depending on what heroes you face. Then you may really need the help of your support. Be careful around duo-offlanes and don't expose yourself - you are pretty easy to punish for poor positioning and bad decisions.
Sometimes you can easily stay solo against an offlaner(such as Clockwerk, for example), and sometimes even the best support won't help you and you will be able to do is try to snatch some lasthits while not getting yourself killed. Adapt your behaviour to what you face, but don't miss an opportunity to punish foolish enemies with
When you get your ultimate(or, better yet, level 7), you can kill most heroes solo. Just cast Double, rightclick your enemy, wait for him to back off, cast 2x( Flux +
Spark Wraith), dead. If not, dive the tower with your Double and
Magnetic Field. Even if you don't get a kill, you force your enemy out of the lane and expose their tower. Think about who you are toying with, obviously. I'm sure QE
Invoker or
Lifestealer, for instance, won't get the joke and will rip you apart(and proceed to write "?" in all chat). Most enemies can't do anything due to
Flux's range though. Make sure you don't run your main hero into the enemy, this is a common mistake amongst inexperienced
Arc Wardens(including me at some point).
Arc Warden's laning item progression is pretty straightforward. The only thing that may vary is amount of regen you ferry yourself with couriers - you may occasionally need to get yourself a
Healing Salve or even two. Other than that, it's always
Wraith Band into
Hand of Midas into
Boots of Speed into
Healing Salve and
Enchanted Mango.
Wraith Band is pretty self-explanatory - just the extra damage and stats you need to be able to lasthit normally and harass your opposition. If you have not yet noticed, you don't get any attack damage at all up until post-
Boots of Travel items. Not a single point. And you have abysmal stat growth, so this
Wraith Band will serve you well in early game.
Hand of Midas is absolute core in 100% games. You must get it in every game ever. This comes from a Midas hater, by the way. It is just that good. You get one Midas at 100 second cooldown, and another one at 65/60/55 second cooldown. That's actually better than 2
Hand of Midas! Combine it with the fact that
Arc Warden has no natural way to farm and his item dependency, and this item becomes a no-brainer. Just try to use Midas every time you summon a Double - you can always find a split second even in the middle of a fight to press one button and get a lot of gold and exp. There's one interesting trick with this and
Flux, by the way. Often enemies will try to get close to a creep to mute
Flux. You can say them a big "**** you" by eating the creep with
Hand of Midas. This also works well when there's some smart*** standing behind the creepwave near the ranged creep and thinks they are safe from your initiation. Show them otherwise.
Boots of Speed. Those are boots. And they give you speed. Yeah. Just remember to get them after Midas - 400 gold is hard to get before Midas, especially in a contested environment, but after Midas it's literally two clicks - so why waste so much time?
Healing Salve +
Enchanted Mango - behold
Arc Warden, the walking fountain. Since your Double copies consumables too, you get a free 400 HP and 150 mana every time you use a Double - just make sure you remember to feed them to your main hero. Alternatively, use Salve or Mango to make plays by saving your teammates or just patching them up. Nothing like a shared
Enchanted Mango on your mid
Lina to keep up that positive mental attitude, nawmsayin?
And a Town Portal Scroll. Never forget the TP. Especially since that you can help your team with your Double while peacefully farming on the other side of the map.
The skillbuild for Arc Warden is pretty much set in stone. There can be no argument about what to max first -
Flux it is, the other skills' scaling is just marginal. This is one of the reasons why support Zet works, btw - all of his skills are really good with just one point into them. Next, you follow up with
Spark Wraith, as this is your nuke, and, lastly,
Magnetic Field. You can change your priorities to Field over Wraith but that's really passive play and I wouldn't advise that. You get ultimate whenever you can, obviously. If you REALLY feel that you won't be using
Spark Wraith as a nuke, you may even skill stats and only take one point in it.
You should almost always skill Flux first, unless your
Magnetic Field can save a life. Then you take
Spark Wraith for the kill potential, and you take
Magnetic Field at level 4 just in case.
The main build:
The Magnetic Field passive build:
The stat build:
Those builds are mostly about preference, though if you're having a hard time and are forced to play defensively, the second and the third builds are better.
Once you got your Midas and consumables, you should aim for getting Necronomicon III - the sooner, the better. For a hero with Boots.
Wraith Band and
Hand of Midas,
Arc Warden is surprisingly useful because of his Double. Not only you have high kill potential on most heroes, you can also be very valuable to your team using your Double's abilities. See a fight near the tower? Cast ulti, TP there with your Double and starting turining the tides with your spells. Make sure you use
Hand of Midas and feed consumables to your allies. You can also commit your main hero to fights, but you should only do it to take or protect an important objective(Roshan or Tier 2 tower). Contributing to the fights while farming and staying alive is one the main strengths of
Arc Warden - don't just discard it mindlessly.
Watch out for ganks - early on you are really pathetic against 2+ heroes who are coming for your ***. Magnetic Field won't help you if your enemies are half-decent. Remember about
Spark Wraith vision! If you feel like you can be ganked in the nearest future, put a wraith in the anticipated location.
Necronimicon - if Hand of Midas is your bread,
Necronomicon is the butter. The sheer possibility of having two sets of
Necronomicon summons(
Arc Warden is the only hero in the game who can do that on his own) is amazing, but the fact that one of those has a cooldown of 65-55 seconds pushes it to absolute core.
Necronomicon is so good and has so many uses that you may as well consider it your fifth skill - sort of a bastard son.
On your way from Necronomicon I to
Necronomicon III it is better to use it almost exclusively for farming since summons are pretty weak(they can't even reliably contest lane creeps for lasthits) until you get Necro III. Sure, if you've got 2 packs of Necro summons with you and that tasty Tier 1 towers stands there, all lonely and exposed, go for it, but other than that, farming jungle camps with them is a more profitable strategy.
Once you get Necro III, the real fun begins. You may use it to farm jungle like you did earlier, though this is ill-advised. You're much better off either pushing a wave with summons(just send them down the lane with an A-click), or better yet, helping your team. A set of Necro III summons 20 minutes in is scary. Two sets are extra scary(with icing!). And one of them has a cooldown of one minute! If your team has decent early-mid game presence, towers will fall and tears will shed. Just be careful and don't feed them unnecessarily. And use the ******* mana burning arrow, you've got two of them!
Necro summons are also great scouts, you can effectively use that to your advantage.
If you are pushing and want prolonged presence in lane(which results to more overall pushing) over burst pushing power, use Necronomicon just when your Double is about to expire. This will let you pressure the lane for up to 60 seconds(which is about the time your ultimate comes off cooldown), provided nobody comes to defend it, of course. This is especially useful when the lane you are pushing is far from enemy towers so you will push it further and there is a high chance enemies will not defend it.
Don't forget about True sight that Necronomicon Warrior 3 does have. A walking Gem of True Sight on a 60 second cooldown is really good, be it for dewarding or helping your teammates/yourself with little invisible ***** nuisances. And Archerhas a very handy MS boots aura that can help you with chasing, escaping or just moving around the map. Sometimes I found myself using
Necronomicon just for the speed boost.
Boots of Travel - since
Arc Warden gets gold extremely quickly, there's no reason to go for mid-tier boots, save
Arcane Boots when you're playing support
Arc Warden. Plus, with an ultimate like that, global mobility is a huge deal as it will let you be almost everywhere at once.
Aside from teleporting to push or fight with your Double or your main hero, you can also use it to teleport to your own Necronomicon units. Say your Double summoned them, but the lane is being heavily defended so you will only feed your summons. In that case it would be wise to use your summons to scout for gank targets(or just wards, enemy will hate you) and TP to your Warrior(he has more HP and is less desirable to kill) when you see one. Being visited by two scary creatures with a teleportation circle swirling around one of them is truly ominous. They can even be scared enough to forget that you have no way of disrupting teleportation :) If you see your victim TP'ing out though, cancel yours immediately - not only you will not get the kill but you also can get yourself killed instead - for nothing.
That's all for out core items, the rest depends on what build you will go for, though there are items that can be good in any build.
Despite Arc Warden being viewed as a "ratty" hero(akin to
Naga Siren or
Morphling), it is not at all hard to contribute to an early win with him. The main source of your early teamfight presence is, of course,
Necronomicon. Aside from pushing towers well, they also deal a great amount of damage(provided their target is greatly slowed or locked in place) and are walking death sentences to those unfortunate enough to kill the Warrior. Your spells contribute a lot, too, if you use them cleverly, they can prove just as devastating as
Necronomicon menaces.
Arc Warden is, as I said, unique in the way that he is able to destroy the opposition while staying away from danger. Thus, a number one
Arc Warden rule is as follows: "Never deliberately expose yourself to danger!" You have your clone, Necro summons and teammates to take the punishment and all of your spells have a great cast range. Always try to position your Double as aggressively, and your main hero as far from danger as possible. When approaching a tower or other dangerous place, just cast your Double and back off, hide in the nearby trees, like a mouse. When a fight erupts into a bloody rampage, it is very easy to lose yourself and die like an idiot. Trust me - in the middle of a teamfight is is extremely easy to panic when you have to control multiple uinits, make things happen with both and get your own squishy *** covered. You will just feed, especially if you are not experienced. So wait until you see an opening(i.e some support stays aside and casts his spells), and then, and only then, go in and show them who's the boss. Remember that staying away doesn't prevent you from casting
Spark Wraith/
Necronomicon and, sometimes,
Flux and
Magnetic Field.
In a fight, you want to mainly focus on controlling your Double and Necros, blowing up lone targets with Flux and summons, protecting allies with
Magnetic Field and giving vision/nuking with
Spark Wraith. However, keep an eye on your main hero - he may be taking quite the beating if some smart*** manages to sneak past the teamfight and ambush you. In that case, immediately cast
Magnetic Field and
Flux and either kill the attacker or TP away(if you can, of course). If you can't, try to walk out of their range, chances are, they are alone and will no be able to catch up when slowed by
Flux, buying you some time to retreat.
I want yet again to stress that staying alive is your priority number one. Not feeding Necros also helps, btw. It's not only about the fact that you are a carry and must stay alive, but also the fact, that you can basically keep pressuring your enemy indefinitely - low cooldown ulti and Necros, paired with global presence and most of your spells having no cost for your main hero, make you a real pushing and fighting machine. But you can't do that if you are dead. You also can't do that if your allies are dead, so try to keep them from dying too, if you can - you can take the pummeliong for them with your Double, for example. The rape train can only go on if there is someone to drvie it.
Don't forget the stuff like using Magnetic Field for pushing and
Spark Wraith for vision/area denial, it proves extremely helpful when you are sieging enemy towers and base.
If your early game rape train crusade didn't succeed(if it was there in the first place, maybe your team coordination level is deep down in the Mariana Trench(heh, I said trench)), then it;s time to rethink your priorities before you begin simply feeding your Necros and your allies, achieving nothing. With Boots of Travel in your inventory you are a great rat, capable of dragging the game long enough to have another shot at victory.
At this point it's all really individual depending on how the game goes. Your team may be doing fine, allowing you to push the hell out of your opposition, get Roshan(it's really easy with 2 packs of Necros and 2 Magnetic Fields) and go in for the kill... or your team may be getting absolutely destroyed, forcing you to play your own annoying game of "
Arc Warden vs The World". I will get into more detail when I explain the builds, but the choice of what to go for and what playstyle to stick to is yours. And remember the Number One Rule.
If your game goes long enough, you will definitely do some serious splitpuishing as it is the main thing Arc Warden does between fighting and being in fountain(for whatever reason). As was already mentioned.
Arc Warden is the safest splitpusher in the game and mostly should only be wary to not feed Necros. That's if you only use your Double. But sometimes one isn't enough and you have to commit your main hero tothis task and this may not always be safe. So you better preserve yourself, and I will tell how.
First, some basic stuff about how this is even done. You TP to a lane with the nearest creepwave using Boots of Travel, then immediately use
Hand of Midas on the nearest creep and either use
Necronomicon instantly or wait until Double expires(or, if that's your main hero, until you leave the lane). Order all controlled units to move down the lane via A-click(if you're gonna take a corner, Shift-queue your your A-clicks so your units reach the corner first, and then turn 90 degrees). Use spells and items to kill creeps as fast as possible or save them if you expect a confrontation in the near future.
Now, if you are pushing with your main hero you want to do two things(you can also do it when you send your Double, but that's not really necessary): first, try to guess where your enemies(most notably enemy carries) might be. Try to think from their perspective: if you're a carry and it;s 30-50 minutes into the game, what would you generally do? Farming lanes or pushing with their team(in which case you would see their location), jungle, doing Roshan, or... preparing a gank on you. So if you don';t see your enemy, theyare most likely doing the latter three. You've got to decide for yourself just how much risk you want to take, but remember - eventually they will come after you. Better be safe than sorry.
The second thing is what was already mentioned and what I'm going to repeat again - spam Spark Wraiths for vision. Every time you pass a possible lane entrance or gank route, place a wraith here. This will prevent most engagements on you, especially if you have a
Blink Dagger. Be wary of enemy
Blink Daggers too - they can blink from any location and you can't prevent that completely. You should act more carefully the more time remains for your
Boots of Travel to come off cooldown. Nothing hurts more than managing to briefly evade a pursuit only to realize there are 20 seconds remaining till you can use teleportation.
Even if you're playing really safe, you're doing a lot of useful job - you keep the lanes pushed out(which means that if a fight occurs, there is a serious threat of you TP'ing in to take the tower and rax down) and create space, allowing your team to breathe more freely. The question is - are they gonna use this space?
This is gonna be a big chunk of info. There are several builds you can go on Arc Warden, which have their own strengths and weaknesses. There are also some situational items that can be good regardless of your build.
A good lane support, his
Cold Feet provides good synergy with
Flux against lone targets - if your enemy stays near creepwave, he will be frozen, otherwise slowed and damaged... and probably frozen too. Add in
Chilling Touch, that synergzies with your
Magnetic Field and attack range to make an enemy offlaner suffer. And don't forget amazing
Ice Blast - a potent global spell which will help you hunt down lone targets, especially with some more global presence thrown into the mix.
Necronomicon carrier, a great pusher with his aura and a single owner of Hawk Airlines Deluxe which lets you literally be anywhere on the map - provided
Beastmaster player is willing to communicate. Always a great ally to have.
Deals tremendous amounts of damage to towers and bolsters yours with her
Precision Aura. Also help with lasthitting in lane. She is not the strongest mid out there, however(though you may go mid and let her safelane farm) and is really underwhelming when played from behind, but if your lineup has strong high-impact early game heroes, you will melt towers and enemy heroes and finish the game in no time.
Another hero with great tower damage output, a potential
Necronomicon carrier and a hero with global presence thanks to
Sun Strike. Also counterpushes quite well. What more do you need?
The best non-core counterpusher that can also teleport other heroes to the fight, which results(provided you have Upgraded Boots of Travel in three heroes gathered in any place of the map. Very good support for coordinated teams and parties.
Deals extreme amount of damage to towers, especially lategame, while also being rather scary in fights. Guess who is like this too? ;) There is a good strat, that, however, requires a lot of farm on both you and
Lone Druid: let LD get Aghs, then send his bear to enemy tower, TP to the bear and start ripping the tower apart. Provided both you and bear are stuffed with some right click items(especially Rapiers on you), there is no way that is countered - you do not care about backdoor protection at all. Well, you still have to survive until lategame to do that.
Yet another
Necronomicon carrier, second best in the game after you because of his crits for summons. One of the best mids to have when you're gong for the push strat, but if not, he's also a good splitpusher with high very tower damage output and can boots your and your summons' damage output with
Howl, which is especially good early-mid game. And if so happens that you find yourselves in one lane with a tower nearby... guess how quickly will it fall?
Probably the most global hero of them all, he synergies with you extremely well in other aspects - can get
Necronomicon, can counterpush, can deal tower damage... can even go for a tower killer build with stuff like Deso, AC and BKB, teleport straight to enemies' T3, summon treants, let you TP to them(or to NP himself if you have upgraded boots) and melt enemy towers without giving a **** about backdoor.
Another global hero with a lot of counterpush and nuking firepower, it may be worth to go for Upgraded Boots of Travel early to turn you two into a global ganking machine of death... and push.
A great support to have at your side, without doubt, but the main reason he is here is the evil lane combo of
Paralyzing Cask - one forces your enemies to group up, the other greatly punishes it. Add in
Maledict and
Spark Wraith and you get a dead hero or even two. Malediction!
The only hero in the game that can benefit from your Double's death as long as it dies with
Track on it. Oh, his team gets some nice moneyz too. Probably will get fixed soon, maybe in May... 2017 NoKappa.
If you look for a hero to make
Arc Warden's life miserable, look no further - I give you
Broodmother. Doesn't care about neither
Flux nor
Spark Wraith because of her spider army and can eat you alive. At least you can escape with
Magnetic Field and TP, but that doesn't make your lane any better. Say goodbye to a decent Midas timing.
Here we go. Very mobile and almost impossible for you to kill on your own, can dodge everything you throw at him and is one of the best counterpushers in the game. Also doesn't care about your Warrior's death damage because of
Flame Guard and
Sleight of Fist invulnerability. One of your hardest counters for sure.
Another hero with great tower damage output, also counterpushes quite well. What more do you need? Oh wait. He's on the enemy team now. Well, the point still stands - he can push into your base early enough, very hard to kill because of
Forge Spirits negating
Flux and overall mobility + long range casts. A real ******* and a pain to play against if he knows what he's doing.
Really hard to pin down in a fight and really doesn't give a **** about your Double and it's skillset. Can also kill Necro Warrior with relative safety because of rapid regeneration thanks to
Shadow Dance. At the same time he can ruin you big time with
Monkey King Bar. Some help(preferably global) from your teammates will be needed to deal with this slippery fish, otherwise he becomes a real problem.
Same as
Slark. Mostly indifferent to your skillset(
Flux can really screw her up, though), has the ability to quickly take you and your Double with
Monkey King Bar and easily kills Necro Warrior with no harm for herself. Same as previous case, some help from your allies is required to beat her.
Not only a powerful counterpushers, but he also has the ability to shamelessly chain-disable your Double or just nuke it down, You can't counteract a
Tinker with Vyse with anything but Linken's+BKB paired with fast enough fingers on your side or Shift-queuing BKB activation right after you teleport to a lane.
HE. HEALS. TOWERS. Is that even legal? I strongle reccomend Rapier backdoor-piecing build against this ****er otherwise you will try to break into his base for eternity.
Can dodge everything you throw at him and save his teammates too. Likes to get up close and personal with your main hero, pierces
Magnetic Field with his ultimate. Also pierces BKB and Linken's with
Walrus Kick, wasting precious second of attacking the tower with your Double. Can also gank the **** out of you before you even get
Necronomicon. Be careful around this guy.
Want to feel useless and unappreciated in a fight? Undying will help! Good luck getting
Flux off when there are zombies all over the place. Also good luck getting your Midas early against a dual offlane combo with this guy. Luckily, he is **** lategame and has no counterpush whatsoever(except for
Tombstone that isn't even nearly enough).
Well, that's it. Hope this stuff was helpful and you learned something. Let's hope Arc Warden doesn't get nerfed into oblivion in the next patch - it would be a shame to make my work irrelevant after just 2 or so weeks after being released.
Also this guide was made in such a hurry(releasing a 6.86 guide in 6.87 is totally not cool) that it surely contains even more typos that usual(those who've read my other guides know what I'm talking about). So feel free to nitpick on those(preferably copying the typo itself so I can find it with Ctrl+F)!
Artwork sources(in order of first appearance):
Arc Warden by AcculluZ
The Sundered Moon Comic by Valve
Official Arc Warden Artwork by Valve
Arc Warden by phsueh
Well, yeah, I know all those banners consist of a fishbowl on one or the other side, but there hasn't been anything other than that, sorry.
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