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Which hero is least useful in current meta (6.81b)?

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Forum » General Discussion » Which hero is least useful in current meta (6.81b)? 22 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » June 16, 2014 5:29am | Report
I would like to know your opinions on which hero is least useful for a team nowadays. Is it some "utilty" heroes that are not specialized? They can adapt to many roles, but they are not masters in any?

If we will think about it that way, we will see that this would fit such heroes as: Beastmaster, Pugna, Dark Seer, Necrophos, Undying, probably Skywrath Mage... Do you think that those heroes should be buffed in order to bring them back to scene? Because of recent buffs we see Brewmaster, Ancient Apparition, Tidehunter and Silencer more often.

So which hero is the least useful now and why?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 16, 2014 5:42am | Report
I have to say, in my opinion, Windrunner seems the least useful for me right now.

Haven't even seen her picked at all anymore. Especially since the Shackle line nerf thingie.

However, everything you mentioned above is rather true.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » June 16, 2014 5:44am | Report
I think it's a difficult question to answer: least picked = least useful? Sometimes it's not necessarily that the hero is bad or underpowered, it's just that they don't fit well with the current meta-style, aren't very flexible in terms of role, or "needs some farm but not a core hero" types. Some of them are also very niche pickups, that can be useful, but aren't useful for most strats.

I'd say the prime examples are Witch Doctor, Omniknight and Undying...they're all kinda #4s that really have the farming needs of #3s. None of them are really capable of playing mid or offlane effectively enough (outside aggressive trilanes)...they're all somewhat level dependent but can't semi-jungle in a defensive trilane. I like all 3 of these heroes a lot, they have some great's more that they just don't fit anywhere. Square pegs with only round holes available.

Ogre Magi needs a bit of a buff, he's so close to being competitive but just falls short. Pugna and Dark Seer are both very strong, but niche these days. Necrophos kinda falls into the trap above...does he offer enough to take the mid slot? Can be do it successfully enough? Beastmaster and Skywrath Mage are both still pretty strong, the difficulty again is laning them - SM is a do or die mid, beast has good powers but lacks dominance.

Maybe we'll actually see Huskar one day, I think he's actually strong enough, he just needs the right builds/situations I think. Bloodseeker is getting there too, but again is super-situational.

EDIT: Windranger is a strange one...she used to be picked/banned almost every game. I dunno whether she's underpowered now (doesn't seem like it), so much as she's much easier to counter than a lot of other offlaners.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » June 16, 2014 6:02am | Report
I dont know why you would include dark seer and pugna.
Pugna is a specialised pusher who you can lane as a carry or mid. He is the hardest pusher in the game.
Dark seer is an offlaner who is specialised to combo with other AOE teamfight heroes.

Beastmaster is a bit of a weird hero, i think he should get some minor buff(s) so he will be picked more as an anti magic immunity hero. For now he is only worth it with tinker.

Necrophos falls into the same category as razor, viper, alchemist and bristleback. An early 5 man hero who builds mek, and has to be in front of everyone in farm. The difference is that necro doesnt dominate his lane that much 1v1, and isnt that naturally tanky. He has some nice utility with scythe and the respawns, but it doesnt counter anything specific.

Undying has a role in dominating trilanes, but he doesnt do anything after that exept if the enemies ignore the tombstone, so i think he could get some midgame buffs.

Skywrath is actually a legit support in my opinion, he just provides different lockdown with a silence and has no stun or very good slow. So he is situational.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » June 16, 2014 6:13am | Report
Broodmother, hands down. If we talk about Heroes that can be picked in CM, it's difficult: maybe Undying, he severely needs a buff in my opinion.

By the way, I love Necrophos played in the 1 position: just get a team focused on pure teamfighting (Tide, DS, Puck, Brew, Disruptor, Veno, Warlock, Invoker etc.), afk farm until you can purchase a Mekansm and start pushing those towers. It's especially useful versus "4 protects 1" lineups, as he can prevent that "1" from buying back.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » June 16, 2014 8:01am | Report
Jakiro! Only you love him Jozxyqk! 8{D

Seriously though, I would say Omniknight is still one of the worst at the moment. He still has no Role he can fill well. Too greedy for a Support, not enough impact as a Core. Poor Omni.. ._.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sinured » June 16, 2014 8:22am | Report
I also think Broodmother cant fit any role in the whole team for obvious reasons. From your listed ones i think SM offers the least for a team. As a support the stun is missing, and i cant get comforte with his slow. Only Ancient Seal is quite viable for a supportive Skywrath Mage.
In my opionion Visage is quite stronger. And as a midlaner there are plenty other mids that shines there.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Eightfold » June 16, 2014 8:32am | Report
I think it would be Omniknight. He, as Xyrus said above, doesn't fit into any role particularly well. He has to be more of a counter pick, like when you're playing a pub and they pick four autoattackers.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by manic_e » June 16, 2014 9:21am | Report
I think Beastmaster is a great hero. one of the best stuns in game. can jungle ancients early if lane gets shut down. His aura is really underrated. I tend to max it fairly early (the chinese BM build) makes a lot of difference taking early towers. I really don't know why he's so unpopular especially in pubs. probably the micro involved, but it's less than say nature's prophet or something. Great offlaner imo.

I'd have to say Omni knight is the most useless. His heal's not good enough. The repel can be done by abaddon instead. He's just meh. Needs to much farm to be a support but isn't a very good semi carry either.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ab4ddon._.E43 » June 16, 2014 9:45am | Report
Beast is great, just carried my team to victory, i mean i ancient farmed but my carries sucked, still pulled them through sucky noob void and weaver

Necro is a good 2, and doesnt play 4,5 that good.

Brood, omni and undying are practically useless.
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