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Huskar's Leap of Death

December 7, 2012 by Rivo
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Nubtrain (58) | December 10, 2012 11:34am
Bloodstone is probably the worst item to get on Huskar, yea it'll give a lot of HP/MP but you don't need the mana regen nor mana points. I'd rather use that money for survival items since Huskar has a hard time surviving in teamfights unless he's fed/farmed with items.
Rivo | December 7, 2012 8:10am
Wulfstan wrote:

Swap out the Bloodstone for Assault Cuirass. Abyssal Blade/ Skull Basher is not that good on ranged units.

You have 5 skill points in each skill.This ain't league of legends.

I'd recomment to take Burning Spear at level 1 for HP removal by command(I mean when you want to) and for early harass.You should get at least 2 points in it and after that you should max Berserker's Blood,inner vitality and Life Break.Leave the last 2 levels of spear at lvl 24,25 as you will probably use lifesteal since level 10 in the actual game.

Could also add Daedalus.

Thank you Wulfstan for your input I appreciate it. Totally blew my mind that I didnt realize I put 5 skill points in each skill. I'm going to change that out right now thanks. I'm going to try out the build changing out the Bloodstone for the assault curi***

Thanks for trying it out and getting back to me :)
Wulfstan (77) | December 7, 2012 6:02am
Swap out the Bloodstone for Assault Cuirass. Abyssal Blade/ Skull Basher is not that good on ranged units.

You have 5 skill points in each skill.This ain't league of legends.

I'd recomment to take Burning Spear at level 1 for HP removal by command(I mean when you want to) and for early harass.You should get at least 2 points in it and after that you should max Berserker's Blood,inner vitality and Life Break.Leave the last 2 levels of spear at lvl 24,25 as you will probably use lifesteal since level 10 in the actual game.

Could also add Daedalus.
Rivo | December 6, 2012 8:55pm
If you actually went through and read everything, you are awesome and thanks for reading. If you just looked at the items and tried them out, let me know how it went and if I should improve anything.
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