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3 Votes

Ready to set the world on fire? Guide to Lina

September 21, 2016 by LinaOnFire
Comments: 7    |    Views: 36649    |   

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The Jade Dagger | January 23, 2017 2:04am
The Jade Dagger | January 23, 2017 2:03am
We have the same avatar! And I didn't just change it
Flaming Chicken | September 7, 2016 4:44am
I like how you detailed every part in the guide. The item description was a lot more detailed then most guides. I'm also new to DotaFire, so I appreciate how you are putting so much work into this. This is a great guide considering it's your first. Next time, try doing Sven. HE's my favorite. Here's my vote for you.
LinaOnFire (1) | September 7, 2016 4:46am
I'm not very good at Sven. I would try him out, and if I like him than I maybe would write a guide on him.
ChiChi (47) | September 6, 2016 9:50am
CM in the heroes Lina is "good aginst" ;_; RIP CM

I likes this guide! Just a tip/detail: you say she's good as semi-core and that's what you look into in this guide - we will assume you're talking about mid - but if that's the case you should probs consider adding Bottle as typical mid item.

Anyways, welcome to Dota fire, and here's my +1! So refreshing to see a guide that is not on Underlord :)
LinaOnFire (1) | September 6, 2016 7:53pm
Thx. Added Bottle
ChiChi (47) | September 8, 2016 6:14am
Note that if you don't hit "Publish" again the changes you make on your guide won't appear to other people, only for you! This happened to me quite some times, so just a friendly warning :)
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