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Unstoppable Phantom Assasin

July 7, 2015 by Mikul
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Gaston44 | July 14, 2015 11:07pm
Your build is all over the place. As a PA, you either get a Battle Fury before 17 minutes or so minutes or go for a Helm of the Dominator and a Skull Basher. If your guide is talking about Battle Fury, you have to mention when to get it. If you are waiting to get Phase Boots and Helm before you get Battle Fury, it's way too late in the game already. The opportunity you had to farm your lanes easily has disappeared, and the enemy carry is going to be all over you.
TheSofa (54) | July 10, 2015 12:10am
Forgot to mention the 1 blink, 4 crits ASI build.
Mikul | July 9, 2015 10:35pm
ya u r right it does. i will try it now for sure.

i m the fan of one-crit one kill :) especially when u mid with PA.
Mikul | July 9, 2015 10:35pm
ya u r right it does. i will try it now for sure.

i m the fan of one-crit one kill :) especially when u mid with PA.
TheSofa (54) | July 9, 2015 4:06pm
Hey Mikul!

Vlad's does in fact come with HP regen. It consists of a Headdress, remember? Also, Lifesteal counts as regen, no?

Let me clarify:


Town Portal Scoll

Early game dominance

One-Crit, One Kill

Mikul | July 9, 2015 2:35pm
Hey Thesofa, man i totally agree with you that PA is a flexible carry and i think that smartness comes when you start understanding Dota. all the late game items one make are always based on the situation and the need of the hour.
talk about valad, i am not the big fan of it when playing PA because it doesn't provide health regen.Health regen i always felt is one of the issues with PA.
masaaki14 (11) | July 9, 2015 12:02am
If you are gonna get a battlefury)battlefury, the earlier the better. That is because it is a farming item above everything else, and allows you to get the rest of your items faster. Yes, the cleave synergizes with your crit, but that is something like an added bonus. Think about it this way, unless you have a Magnus or Enigma on your team, or you are facing an illusion hero like Phantom Lancer, the cleave generally won't be used much as smarter enemies won't clump up for you. What battlefury excels in is the farming speed you gain from killing creeps.

If you want to buy a battlefury, get it after boots of choice, not after basher.

What i love about Phantom Assassin is that there are so many ways to build him.
The classic one crit one kill that builds primarily damage and relies on getting one powerful crit.
The attack speed build that takes piority in getting more crits.
Midgame oriented build, like ultrasuperhyper suggested, with Vladmir's Offering and Desolator(this one has been buffed significantly in the current patch due to Desolator's decreased cost)
The manta build, which is handy if you are facing silences or a debuff heavy team. This is strong because illusions can also crit, and usually you just build agi items and boost your base damage for this build. For this reason, a vlads should be bought by someone on your team, or yourself if necessary, because of the damage increase from vlads that can boost your damage output by 12%. Alternatively, you can try and get a Vengeful Spirit on your team.

Pa is far from the greatest carry in the game, and most other hard carries generally out-dps him in the lategame, even with his crit. However, pa comes online much much faster than those hard carries, similar to an Anti-Mage, especially if you went the vlads deso build.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | July 8, 2015 5:33pm
Thanks for explaining it ChiChi!

The reason why I stopped at a single hyperstone is that you can build it to either an AC or a Moon Shard, both being good in different situations.

Ofc you can always sell that deso + vlads for a satanic if you have the gold and the time. But, that is something for 60 mins+ games, where this build would start to loose effectiveness. With the items I mentioned, we would be trying to end the game at around 30 mins in when the enemy carry(s) may not be 6 slotted yet. This is meant to be mainly a man-fight build and not a farming one.
TheSofa (54) | July 8, 2015 5:32pm
Hello Mikul!

Unlike ChiChi, I do play PA. A lot.

My experience is that PA is a very flexible carry, and that different builds work at different times.

What all optimum PA builds have in common, however, is that they are centered toward the early-mid game.

PA's skill set is all about the mid game, where you can dominate the whole map, killing anyone you choose.
Another PA build you might want to consider

Could you add a little bit more info in your guide? e.g. Foes/Friends, Tips, etc.

ChiChi (47) | July 8, 2015 5:16pm
Mikul wrote:

see my experience of game tells me me most of the agile hero do need lifesteal

Mate, that's why UltraSuperHyper suggested Vlads = Vladmir's Offering, the only lifesteal item (besides Octarine Core) in the game which let's you use other orb effects/attack modifiers without losing the lifesteal (which means you can have both Vlads and Deso in your inventory at the same time working).

That said, I agree with you, PA definitelly needs lifesteal, and a late Satanic is always something to look forward to. But consider that what is being suggested here is what we can call "a cheap PA". If the game is not going well for you and you simply do not have the space needed to farm those big items, such as an AC, you may want to try to get cheaper options quicly to start ganking/participating in teamfights - otherwise you might get stuck at that Perseverance.

I don't play PA of late and suck with her, so I can't talk for myself here, but I've seen a friend do this "mid/cheap PA" sometimes and it works wonders.
Mikul | July 8, 2015 12:26pm
see my experience of game tells me me most of the agile hero do need lifesteal because they have low health regen. and in later part of the game you can push alone by going forward without creeps you dont lose a bit of health. pa can also fight at low health with two three heroes simultaneously with out a worry because she will gain health when a hero dies. it helps you in killing roshan alone.

Deso ya you can switch over to it leaving skull basher or battle fury.

if one going for hyperstone than this item should be upgraded to assault cuirass. in that case you dont need deso. assault cuirass provides 5 armor reduction.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | July 8, 2015 11:30am
So about the guide,
How about a mid game oriented approach
Phase -> Vlads(if you really want the lifesteal and no one is buying one) -> Desolator ->BKB(can't live without this) -> Hyperstone(overkill imo, you already have phantom strike)

You can try this if you have a harder carry. Add in a skull basher if your team lacks cc.
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