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11 Votes

Xin - Four Words Is Plenty

January 11, 2014 by EagleFire
Comments: 4    |    Views: 58657    |   

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The Jack of Blades (1) | March 12, 2015 5:19pm
Good guide upvoted.

I build armlet too on Ember Spirit (though my build still includes Battlefury)

I realy dont get why armlet isent more popular with Perseverance (which is bought most of the times) you got a whooping +12 Health regeneration which covers the degeneration of armlet all times anytime. And an early Helm of the Iron will gives you early HP regeneration and + 5 Armor and Armor is one of the main things Ember Spirit needs early game.

and just for 550 Gold more Armlet is in everyway superior to Drum of Endurance which becomes obsolete imho if u build an Armlet.

Maybe i will write an Armlet Ember Guide one day too.
Demus | April 28, 2014 7:07am
Why do you even need lifesteal on this guy?

I understand getting phase and drums if you don't want to rush travels, but HotD, vlads and vanguard?

Sure, his early game changed around a bit in 6.81, but the way to build him is still boots (potentially phase), (potentially drums depending on laning), BF, BF, small crit, (optional linkens), BF, travels if not gotten earlier, divine.

Oh, and don't forget the real counter to him: blink initiators. Add shadow shaman and lion with a blink dagger, sand king as well (blink burrowstrike). Other good allies are tanky supports/offlaners, since ember himself really does not like being on the frontline. You shouldn't even be fighting in major teamfights inbetween SoFs, you should be taking away 30-50% of the opposings team health every 8 seconds. For that reason, attack speed (butterfly) is a bad pick on him as well.

If you want a carry who fights on the frontline, pick a different hero. Ember shines in situations where he's as far back as sniper, if not more.
EagleFire | November 18, 2013 6:21pm
you do [icon= ITEM size=58 or whatever and then close the bracket!
Hypoxify | November 18, 2013 6:11pm
Great guide, very helpful. Can you explain to me how you use the hero icon portraits and the item portraits? thanks
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