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17 Votes

A Rapist's Guide to Ancient Apparition

January 21, 2013 by MrBerk
Comments: 10    |    Views: 92102    |   

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bboyle | June 3, 2013 2:21pm
Might I suggest Desolator and Crystalys after Mek and Eul's (go big or go home is what I always say and it works for me, fought a lifestealer, both lvl 25, just a week ago and ended up killing him by Using Eul's to avoid his magic immunity then ulting him (no lifesteal made him turn off his armlet) and freezing him to finish him off while he couldn't do anything). Try it out it's fun and works quite nicely.
h55d (2) | April 5, 2013 6:43am
Shep90 wrote:

Your guide helped me a lot ! Thanks !

I hope this "insulting your enemies and your allies"-thing is just irony, right ?

Maybe not.
Shep90 | April 5, 2013 5:53am
Your guide helped me a lot ! Thanks !

I hope this "insulting your enemies and your allies"-thing is just irony, right ?
Biwinning1 | February 21, 2013 1:23pm
Are you really (inert authors name her)
Nice guide
Zergownz | February 2, 2013 1:36am
Several things should be altered, however. Getting Ice Vortex is much more important than stats (in my opinion) because of the spammable slow.
BRG.Zephyr | January 25, 2013 10:33am
Nice post I liked it.
witooZ (5) | January 21, 2013 4:49pm
I assume that your post is meant to be a joke (even tho its a bad one), otherwise...
magicmerl (6) | January 21, 2013 2:52pm
Ok, here's some more. I feel dumber after reading bits of this guide. The space bar only appears to work intermittently on his keyboard, or I'm guessing that this is a first draft and he hasn't proof-read or edited his work.

Dominating lane domination ability,that can also dominate the lane

I guess the author is just pretending to be a terrible writer for comedic effect?

His skills give him amazing lane dominance

Except that your proposed skill build has him taking stats over Ice Vortex at levels 2 and 4, and not putting any points into Chilling Touch at all. That doesn't sound like a hero with amazing skills.

Assuming that you'll be lane-supporting a carry with a stun, this will dominate.

So, AA is a great hero, so long as your carry can support YOU in your role as the support?
witooZ (5) | January 21, 2013 1:49pm
Lol, you are supposed to rate the guide content not it's title :D
magicmerl (6) | January 21, 2013 1:30pm
Downvoted because of the thread title.
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