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5 Votes

viper mid to late game hard carry

April 5, 2012 by crackhead125
Comments: 2    |    Views: 16614    |   

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crackhead125 | December 14, 2012 3:56pm
^ scrub, if you are in competitive play, where are you on dotafire looking at guides? These are guides fro mostly new players and players new to the hero. Troll on bro troll on.
Dictatorforlife#278908 (1) | August 30, 2012 4:22pm
Let me tell you a story in order for you to realize what is wrong with your guide.

There once was a guy who thought Enchantress was hilarious. From the way her bambi-esque behind jumped with glee to the way she said 'sproink', this guy had finally found the perfect troll hero to troll his friends with. Because the premise of this idea was hilarious, he figured a cute, docile hero like Enchantress would benefit greatly from dealing massive, stupid amounts of damage just from autoattacking. And so it was. He built desolator, daedalus, crystalys, black king bar, everything he needed to do amazing stupid damage and survive.

Now then, pop quiz. Does building hard carry items on any hero make them a hard carry? No, but it makes you a pub living in your pubbish world, doing pubbish things. You can build Crystalys on most any champion to do ******ed damage. Does that mean you should? No, because team-play means role-play. It is obvious that you do not know the role of Viper in a team and that is why your guide fails. Anything CAN work, you need to write guides justifying WHY they work BEST on the hero in question WHEN we use your guides.

With that, I have no choice but to downvote this guide. It's a pub guide that would never work in competitive play. Write with clarity and quality next time.
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